Summer Activities for Kids

School’s out! And while everyone is usually pretty excited by the start of summer, it becomes harder and harder to keep the kids busy. They often spend too much of their school vacation time planted in front of the TV or staring at their tablet. Fortunately, you can plan healthy and entertaining activities for the kids that will keep everyone satisfied. Just apply the sunscreen and let the good times roll.


Taking the kids swimming during the hot summer days not only entertains them for hours at a time, but it fights off heat exhaustion as well. In addition, swimming strengthens your child’s heart and lungs, improves overall muscle tone, and burns a significant number of calories. Plus, swimming is a healthy activity that helps battle childhood obesity while being easy on children’s joints. In many ways, it’s the perfect summer exercise.

Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest

Spitting watermelon seeds sounds gross to many adults, which makes it perfect for kids. You can set up a mini distance range under a tree in the backyard and let them have at it. They will enjoy eating delicious slices of watermelon, which contain plenty of vitamin B1, which is heart healthy and helps keep your kids properly hydrated.

Water Balloon Fights

Water balloon fights are a traditional summer pastime that appeals to kids of all ages. They will enjoy the skeletal muscle exercise of running and throwing while enjoying a nice cool water bath from time to time. A water-balloon fight also requires quick thinking and certain survival skills, making it a great alternative to indoor screen time.

Scavenger Hunts

A good scavenger hunt can go on for hours and challenge your kids physically and mentally. Following clever clues will get their neurons firing and keep them happy and outside. Plus, the winners get a sense of pride and possibly a nice reward.

Your kids’ summer vacation doesn’t have to take place indoors in front of various screens. Some inside time is fine, but make certain that they mix it up with plenty of healthy outdoor activities. Encourage them to explore what the great outdoors has to offer.