Taking Medication Made Easier… and Safer
OnePac from Wiley’s is a system to organize multiple medications for you, your parents, your grandparents, and your children. Wiley’s prepares a 7 Day supply of medication and packages them in perforated strips. Individual packages separate each day’s medication by the time they are taken.
It is so easy…and safer! A recent American Medical Association report indicates that when individuals utilize daily packets, prescription compliance rates increase from 61% to 96%.*
How OnePac Works
- Request OnePac from a Wiley’s pharmacist
- The package is custom printed with the patients name, day and time of dose, mediation names, strengths and descriptions, and any other specific instructions
- Pick up your individualized prescription packs
- Take the right medication at the right time, every time!
*The Wall Street Journal, Health D4, November 14, 2006
Want to learn more?
Contact your local Wiley’s Pharmacist today to learn more about how you could benefit from using OnePac.