Health Insurance & Taxes FAQ

Tax season can be stressful! Don’t get caught off guard by health insurance info you are required to provide when filing.

Even though the tax law changed this year, it will not affect 2017 tax returns (due April 17, 2018). In addition, penalties for not having health coverage will stay in place until 2019. To receive your tax refund, you’ll need to report information about your healthcare coverage.

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How Will You Celebrate Grandparents Day?

The most beautiful thing about intergenerational communication is the potential for people to learn from one another. Each generation’s experience is unique, so any opportunity for kids to spend time with their grandparents should be treasured. At Wiley’s Pharmacy, we value quality time with family, which is why we’re encouraging all our shoppers to spend September 8th (National Grandparents Day) connecting with older loved ones.

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Exercise to Improve Arthritis

If you or a loved one is living with arthritis, you’ve likely heard that incorporating moderate exercise into your routine can reduce pain and increase mobility over time. While exercising is important and healthy for nearly everyone, it’s important to understand the types of exercises that are most helpful for certain conditions and, conversely, which ones could potentially cause irritation or injury.

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Emergency Prescription Refills for Vacations

As the summer season approaches, many people will plan summer vacations that take them all over the nation. Unfortunately, some of those travelers will need to refill prescriptions while they’re away from home.

Wiley’s Pharmacy can make sure you get the medications that you need during your vacation. No matter why you need to fill a prescription, you can count on Wiley’s emergency on-call pharmacist to help.

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Diabetes Management Tips

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. Whether you are hoping to learn more about the disease to take better care of yourself or a loved one, the more knowledge you have, the easier diabetes management will be for you. From understanding the difference between each type of diabetes, to learning the best ways you can maintain healthy habits and minimize risks, every precaution you take can make a difference.

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What are Custom Prescription Doses?

Everyone’s health needs are unique. Just as you’d want your doctor to give your examination the time and care it deserves, we believe that your medications should be given the utmost attention to yield their best results. Medication should not be one-size-fits-all. That’s why Wiley’s can work with your physician to address sensitivities to standard doses of medicine in an effort to find a solution that will work for you.

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