Your Mexican Pharmacy: Safe Medications from Mexico

Mexican Pharmacy is your online and neighborhood pharmacy, with four locations across Guadalajara, currently serving over 70,000 regular customers. As a large network company, we partner with various suppliers of medications from around the world to offer competitive prices. However, it’s important to note that prices may vary depending on the specific pharmacy location in Mexico, with some being higher or lower. We encourage you to compare offers from different companies to find the most cost-effective option for your needs.

Our drugstore stands out for several key reasons:

We offer a wide range of medications and medical products, including specialized categories such as orthopedic items for those suffering from musculoskeletal conditions. This is something not all pharmacies in Mexico can provide, making us a reliable source for a diverse selection of health-related products.

Shopping with us online is simple and convenient. Our website is user-friendly, with products organized into thematic categories, making it easy to find exactly what you need. The intuitive menu and navigation tools are designed to enhance your shopping experience, ensuring that you can quickly locate the products you’re looking for, as well as easily view and compare the Mexican pharmacy price list.

We also provide affordable alternatives to many well-known drugs by offering generics with similar active ingredients and therapeutic effects. This allows you to maintain high-quality treatment while saving money.

For orders over $200, we provide free delivery. If your order is less than that amount, delivery within 7–15 days costs $30. Standard delivery, which takes 14–25 days, is available for $10.

Customer satisfaction is our priority, which is why we offer personalized discounts and bonuses to our loyal customers. In addition, we publish special offers weekly to ensure you’re getting the best deals possible.

Erectile Dysfunction Antibiotics
  • Type:
    PDE5 Inhibitor
  • Brand Name:
  • Prescription:

Attention! Consult with your medical representative before take any drugs.

  • Type:
  • Brand Name:
  • Prescription:

Attention! Consult with your medical representative before take any drugs.

  • Type:
  • Brand Name:
  • Prescription:

Attention! Consult with your medical representative before take any drugs.

  • Type:
  • Brand Name:
  • Prescription:

Attention! Consult with your medical representative before take any drugs.

Ordering Drugs Online: How Safe Is It?

If you want to order prescription medications in Mexico, you will need to follow a standard procedure. First, you need to get a prescription from a local doctor, who must be licensed. In Mexico, you cannot use a prescription from an American healthcare provider. Therefore, a prescription from an American doctor will be useless in this situation. The procedure is completely legal if you do it through a licensed specialist in Mexico. Although it is believed that it will be safer in the US. You will understand why below.

When buying products from American pharmacies, you can be sure that the local Food and Drug Administration (FDA) carries out comprehensive supervision and guarantees their safety. When a person places an order through Mexican pharmacies, he cannot be sure that the delivery is carried out through the same safe chain. Your main task in such a situation is to ensure the quality of the goods. And for this, you need a licensed pharmacy, whose products are regulated by local health authorities.

If you live near the border with Mexico, then there will be no problem coming to the country, visiting a local pharmacy and buying the necessary pills. But residents of other states and countries do not have such a privilege. Therefore, a common solution is to buy in online pharmacies. But is this method safe and legal?

The FDA, operating in the United States, allows you to order drugs in Mexican online pharmacies and send them to the country. In this case, the same rules will apply as when transporting drugs across the border. You will need a prescription from a licensed doctor. Plus, the drug itself must be approved for use in the United States or in another country where you arrange delivery.

How to Place an Order

Of greatest interest are online pharmacies that operate within Mexico and offer delivery services to other countries. These online drug stores usually use the same algorithm for placing orders. It consists of several stages.

Step 1. Choosing a pharmacy

First, you need to choose the right online pharmacy where you can safely place an order. The best solution is to contact certified networks that have all the necessary licenses and permits. Since not all Mexican pharmacies are trustworthy, it is important to carefully approach the search for the safest place to buy the necessary medications. It is important to pay attention to the compliance of Mexican pharmacies with two key standards — NOM-059-SSA1 and ISO 9001: 2008. Companies that guarantee the fulfillment of quality requirements are the most preferred suppliers of your medications.

Step 2. Selection of drugs

Once you have found a suitable online pharmacy that operates in Mexico, study the catalog of the offered products. Some companies are engaged in the sale of popular items, others specialize in special drugs, prescription drugs, and so on. The right solution would be to find several pharmacies that suit you and compare their offers according to several main criteria:

  • Assortment of necessary drugs
  • Minimum order amount
  • Delivery conditions
  • Waiting time for delivery of goods
  • Bonuses and discounts for regular customers, etc.

Choose the option that best suits your requirements and financial capabilities. But do not look for the cheapest drugs. This is the risk of encountering an illegal Mexican pharmacy and receiving a product of inadequate quality.

Step 3. Payment for goods

When you have chosen a pharmacy, find the necessary medicines in it, then add the goods to the cart and make a payment. In most cases, the pharmacy delivers medicines only after prepayment. That is, you will not be able to pay for them upon receipt. This once again proves that you need to choose only legal pharmacies and carefully check the goods before ordering.

Step 4. Delivery

As soon as you make a payment, you will receive a confirmation of the successful processing of your application. Depending on the drug, the volume of your order and the conditions of the pharmacy, the waiting time for delivery can be up to several weeks. As practice shows, when ordering medicines within Mexico, delivery takes no more than 2–3 days. If you arrange delivery to another country, then the waiting time may increase. Usually, the pharmacy sends you a tracking number by which you can track the current status of the parcel. As you can see, the process of placing orders is quite simple. The main thing is to find a good and reliable pharmacy in Mexico, ready to offer high-quality and certified medicines at low prices.

Step 5. Security issue

One of the most key and important issues is the safety of such pharmacies. Unfortunately, illegal and unsafe online pharmacies do operate in Mexico. The FDA website even provides a detailed list of such online organizations. To protect yourself from such purchases, try to adhere to several important rules:

  • Do not buy prescription products in Mexican pharmacies that do not require a prescription from a doctor.
  • Under no circumstances contact sites that do not have a valid license.
  • Refuse drugs that are significantly cheaper than other pharmacies.
  • Do not order a product if its packaging does not look like the original container.
  • Do not agree to leave detailed financial information.

The right decision is to cooperate with large chain pharmacies that have a high level of trust, offer a wide range of medicinal products, and also have a valid official license.

How Safe Is It to Buy Prescription Drugs in Mexico?

It is now very profitable and convenient for many people to order drugs online. And this is often done from other countries. If we talk about US residents and those who visit Mexico for tourism, they are the ones who order drugs here more often than others. But how safe is it? This issue should be looked into in more detail.

Today, more than 130 million US citizens take at least one prescription drug every day. As you know, these drugs can be very expensive in the country, and prices continue to rise every day. Therefore, the question arises — where to find these drugs, but at lower prices? The most popular solution is to order online from Mexico.

Why buy drugs in Mexico

Prescription drugs are one of the largest and most profitable businesses, according to reports from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Today, about 50% of Americans need prescription drugs. Prices continue to rise to this day. On average, prices have increased by 8% over the past year, as confirmed by data from the US Department of Health. The cost of some drugs has increased by 500%.

The main reason for such high prices is drug patents. This provokes a constant increase in cost, since pharmaceutical companies can set and regulate prices on their own. Unlike European countries or Canada, for example, in the US there is no special government regulation. This allows monopoly companies to increase the cost of prescription drugs at their own discretion. As a result, Americans are forced to significantly overpay for something they actually cannot live without. As a result, many people are forced to look for alternative ways to get medical care. One of the most popular solutions is to order medical products through Mexican online pharmacies. This method is especially popular among residents of the southern and western states. After all, you can get to the border with Mexico on your own, or place an order at a minimum delivery cost.

Another important factor is the availability of certain drugs that can only be obtained in the US with a prescription. When it comes to medications like Nexium, Celebrex or Lipitor, you don’t need a prescription to order them in Mexico. But that doesn’t mean you can now safely go to Mexico, buy large quantities of medications and bring them to the US. There are certain rules and restrictions in place.

What is the danger of unlicensed pharmacies in Mexico?

Trying to find the cheapest drugs, some customers forget about the importance of licenses and quality certificates. There are pharmacies that are unlicensed. What is the threat and danger?

The thing is that such pharmacies can sell drugs that use the wrong dosage of active ingredients, or use their substitutes. In other words, this is a risk of buying counterfeit drugs that will be ineffective. Even worse, if the drug turns out to be dangerous to your health. Instead of the expected effect of normalizing your condition, you may only get worse. Such pharmacies often sell drugs that have had their license revoked, or they are illegal. This is an increased risk to your health. Plus, if you bring these drugs to the US, you may have serious legal problems. But don’t be scared. All this applies only to unlicensed and unofficial Mexican pharmacies. There are many large companies and pharmaceutical companies operating in the country that offer excellent quality products with proven effectiveness and at affordable prices.

How to buy medicines in a Mexico drugstore correctly

If you decide to take advantage of the great deals offered by Mexican online pharmacies, then be sure to follow a few key rules. They will help you find the necessary drugs, guarantee their quality, safety and effectiveness, and also save a lot on the purchase.

The best decision is to trust the specialists. Therefore, before placing an order in a Mexican pharmacy, be sure to consult with your attending physician. This is especially important when you order prescription drugs. After all, this segment of drugs is very strictly regulated. If you order a product that does not suit you, this is a potential threat to your health. You need a licensed and certified doctor in Mexico. You can find one online, or use a personal visit. Of course, in theory, you can force a specialist to write a prescription that does not suit you. But why do this? After all, in this way you create an increased threat to your health. The main thing is not saving money, but finding a medicine that will really help you and provide the necessary effectiveness of therapy.

Another important factor is authentic packaging. Unfortunately, counterfeit products are often distributed through unreliable and unlicensed pharmacies. And this applies not only to Mexico.

Before picking up the product, make sure that the drug is in the original packaging. Usually, on the websites of pharmaceutical companies there is a detailed description of the packaging, original packaging and other features. This will allow you to quickly determine the presence of signs of counterfeiting, if any.

Keep in mind that drugs from Mexican pharmacies usually have instructions in Spanish. Not all drugs have an English translation. Be sure to translate the instructions correctly in order to accurately understand the composition, features of use, contraindications and other important nuances.

Each country has a list of approved drugs, which is regulated by the local Ministry of Health. Therefore, if a drug is approved in Mexico, this does not mean that it has received approval in the USA.

What does this mean? In such a situation, the FDA cannot guarantee that this product will be effective and safe. But it is important to add that Mexico has a fairly strict and strong regulatory program in the field of pharmaceutical production. The US FDA does not have authority over them.

How to Import Drugs from Mexican Online Pharmacies to the US

The easiest option is to order drugs through an online pharmacy in Mexico that provides certified products approved by the ministries of health of both countries. That is, there are no obstacles to goods from Mexico ending up in your US. According to the rules, importing drugs, including prescription drugs, is possible subject to several basic conditions. For example, a valid prescription, a certificate from the attending physician. Let’s look at several key rules that you must strictly follow.

  • Original packaging. Medicines must be in the packaging in which they were given to you. It is prohibited to transfer funds to other containers, use other containers, etc.
  • If you import drugs with certain active ingredients, they must be declared. This must be done at the stage of customs and border control. CBP specialists will carefully check the declaration and compare it with the drugs you are importing from Mexico.
  • Label. It is important that when receiving drugs in Mexico, the container has the full name, address of the pharmacy, name of the doctor who issued the prescription, and the prescription number. The absence of this information may be grounds for not allowing the goods to cross the border. Moreover, suspicious drugs may be sent for examination. The main task is to prevent the illegal import of narcotic substances.
  • Number of doses. In accordance with the current regulations, you can order the necessary drugs from Mexico in a limited number of doses. This limit is no more than 50 units. All of them are intended exclusively for personal use. In this case, the number of prescriptions does not matter. The main thing is that the number of doses does not exceed 50.

What to do if the drug is not approved in the USA?

Some people need to buy drugs in Mexico that have not received official approval in the USA. The reasons may be different, but most often it is the presence of certain side effects or the inclusion of prohibited components. What to do in such a situation? You can order drugs that are not approved in Mexican pharmacies. But only if several conditions are met, they will not be confiscated at the border:

  • No analogues in the USA. Permission to import is possible if the drug from Mexico is intended for the treatment of serious diseases. But at the same time, there are no effective analogues in the USA. You will be surprised, but in fact this is not such a rarity. Some drugs from Mexico are the only alternative. Therefore, US residents can only rely on them to help in treating their disease;
  • Promotion of the product in the country. The drug must not be intended for promotion and commercialization in the USA. If it is proven that the pills are imported for the purpose of their further advertising, they will be confiscated at the border. If the drug is for personal use only, there will be no problems;
  • Unjustified risk. Taking such pills should not provoke an unjustified risk. Therefore, drugs with excessive side effects may be prohibited from being imported into the country;
  • Written confirmation. A person must write a statement in writing. The document should indicate that the imported drugs are intended only for personal use for therapeutic purposes;
  • The total amount of the imported drug should not be more than the supply for the next 3 months. This indicator is determined based on the doctor’s conclusions and the prescription.

CBP representatives may refuse to import drugs from Mexico if they are on the FDA list of import warnings. Or there is reason to believe that the imported pills are intended for commercial distribution, causing serious side effects.

What Do You Need to Know about COFEPRIS?

The American FDA has been discussed many times. But in the context of buying medicines in Mexico, it is very important to discuss another important issue — COFEPRIS. You need to find out what it is, how it works and what its main functions are.

The secretariat of health plays a key role in these matters in the country. In fact, this is the main regulator in Mexico. The agency is responsible for the country’s health policy. In particular, it decides on the regulation of manufactured and sold drugs, medical equipment and devices. The general law on health care sets out all the main aspects regarding the import and export of all types of medical products and also food products.

COFEPRIS is a department under this agency. Its functions are the import of medical devices and drugs, as well as the issuance of permits for advertising these products. The Committee for Protection against Sanitary Risks, or COFEPRIS for short, was founded in 2001.

Today, it is a completely autonomous and decentralized government agency. The commissioner acts as the head. Moreover, the commissioner is appointed exclusively by the President of Mexico. In fact, it is like the Minister of Health in some countries. The main task of the commissioner is to control local medical institutions, implement sanitary standards, comply with advertising requirements and monitor the production of medicines in the country. Also, the commissioner, like the entire COFEPRIS department, is responsible for the expertise and import of all medical products.

Criteria for Choosing Safe Mexican Pharmacies

Before purchasing goods in one of the pharmacies in Mexico, it is recommended to carefully study all available options and choose the safest, most reliable and high-quality one. To help you make a decision, our experts have prepared some useful recommendations for you. Based on these tips, you can find the best option based on your own needs and general rules for safe shopping.

  1. License. Obviously, the presence of a license is a key factor that you should consider when choosing a pharmacy in Mexico. In online drug stores, you should check the presence of a license and detailed information about the permit document. We advise you to check when it was issued, by whom, and for how long. A license is your guarantee of safety. This is a confirmation that the company offers only certified, government-approved drugs. Buy drugs only in licensed pharmacies to eliminate the risk of buying counterfeit, fake and other low-quality products.
  2. Assortment. Pay attention to what range of medicinal products the online pharmacy in Mexico is ready to offer. A large assortment indicates that the company works with a large number of suppliers. That is, it is a large chain pharmacy that can satisfy the needs of almost every customer. But in Mexico, there are also online pharmacies that specialize in certain groups of drugs. For example, these can be anticancer drugs, drugs to combat cancer, hepatitis, and other serious diseases. Your choice largely depends on what drugs you need to buy.
  3. Prices. Many buyers believe that you should always look for a pharmacy with the lowest prices. Of course, in Mexico, drugs are really cheaper than in the USA, Canada, and many European countries. But a low price can hide the corresponding quality, counterfeit products, fake drugs, and so on. The best thing to do is the following. Find several pharmacies that are licensed and ready to offer the list of products you need. Compare prices and choose the option that is more financially beneficial for you. You should not buy drugs in frankly cheap pharmacies. Excessively low cost compared to competitors is a reason to doubt the quality and authenticity of the offered goods.
  4. Delivery. One of the undeniable advantages of online pharmacies is the ability to arrange delivery. You do not have to go anywhere. It is enough to indicate the address when placing an order and wait until it reaches you. When choosing an online pharmacy in Mexico, be sure to study the terms, rules and cost of delivery. For example, when ordering for a certain amount, delivery can be free. Or vice versa. Low prices for goods will be offset by the high cost of the delivery service.Another important factor is delivery times and compliance with storage conditions. Some categories of drugs require mandatory transportation in specialized containers, refrigerators, and have a limited shelf life. Therefore, it is extremely important that a Mexican pharmacy can guarantee timely delivery and compliance with transportation conditions. If they are violated, the medicine will lose its properties. Or even worse — it can become toxic and dangerous for your body.
  5. Discounts and bonuses. Many customers become regular customers of Mexican online pharmacies due to favorable prices, fast and convenient delivery, as well as additional benefits. This is an opportunity to receive bonuses for purchases, accumulate a discount for a regular customer. Study the terms of cooperation that the company offers you. Many of them are ready to offer a discount on the first order, or provide you with a cumulative system for regular orders. This will allow you to find a regular supplier of the necessary drugs, as well as significantly save on purchases in the future.
  6. Staff. It will not be superfluous to check the competence of the staff and the attitude of employees to customers. Many large online pharmacies in Mexico offer the services of consultants, pharmacy doctors. With their help, you can learn some details about drugs, and make sure that the order is correct. The priority factors for you should be affordable prices, high quality, ease of ordering and confidence in the authenticity of the drugs purchased. You can get all this if you choose one of the best Mexican pharmacies.

Comparison of Drug Prices

Obviously, for most buyers, the key factor is price. It is not possible to compare prices for absolutely all products within the framework of this review. But we can compare several popular items that are presented in all Mexican pharmacies from the top 3.

  • Generic Flomax. In MexPharmacy, the drug is presented in packages from 30 to 360 tablets — a total of 6 options. The price depends on the number of tablets ordered, and varies from $ 33.09 for 30 tablets to $ 257.66 for 360 tablets. This is from $ 1.09 to $ 0.72 per tablet. In Mexican Pharmacy, this same drug is sold in packages of 30, 90 and 100 tablets. The price of 30 tablets is $ 36.99.
  • Generic Propecia. For a package of 60 tablets of this drug, you will have to pay $ 50.99 in MexicanPh. Competitors charge $45.62 and $48.32 for this drug at MexPharmacy and Fahorro, respectively;
  • Generic Uroxatral. At MexPharmacy, you can order this product in a 10 mg dosage in packages of 30, 60, 90, 120, and 180 tablets. The smallest package will cost $80.51 or $2.69 per tablet. If you take a package of 180 tablets, then you will have to pay only $1.62 for 1. The other two pharmacies from the top 3 offer packages of 30, 90, and 180 tablets in a similar dosage. At the same time, the starting price is $89.99 for the smallest package.

As you can see, the prices do differ. But you should take into account that Mexican pharmacies often have promotions, delivery prices differ, and also offer individual discounts and bonus programs.

It is important to choose Mexican pharmacies based on the main criteria, including, of course, the presence of a valid license. This is an axiom that you will never tire of repeating. Only licensed pharmacies in Mexico are trustworthy and provide a real opportunity to purchase the necessary goods at affordable prices. Your health is in your hands!


Can I order medications from Mexico online?

Yes. Most large licensed pharmacies operate online and offer delivery services.

How much does delivery cost?

Depends on the delivery method and the specific pharmacy. Typically, the price is $10–15 for regular delivery and $30–50 for express delivery. Many companies offer free delivery when the order is over a certain amount.

How long does it take for medications to be delivered?

The waiting period for an order varies from 7–21 days. Express delivery is usually up to 7 days. Regular delivery can take up to 30 days.

How can I track my package?

Many Mexican pharmacies send a unique tracking number after you place an order. You can check the location of your items on the pharmacy’s website or on the carrier’s website.

Can I order medications from Mexico to the United States?

Yes. Most Mexican pharmacies are focused on the North American market. For Americans, this is a great way to order the medications they need at an affordable price.

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